
Previous Years Financial Documents

Previous Years' Financial Documents

The following is a list of previous year's Adopted Budgets followed (scroll down) by a list of previous year's Audited Annual Financial Statements.

Budgets from Previous Years

Note: A fiscal year lasts from July 1st of the year prior to June 30th of the current year. 

i.e. 2023's Fiscal Year  is from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.


Audited Annual Financial Statements

Monthly Financial Reports

July 2022 - Financial Report.pdf 
August 2022 - Financial Report.pdf
September 2022 - Financial Report.pdf
October 2022 - Financial Report.pdf
November 2022 - Financial Report.pdf
December 2022 - Financial Report.pdf
January 2023 - Financial Report.pdf
February 2023 - Financial Report.pdf
March 2023 -Financial Report.pdf
April 2023 - Financial Report.pdf
May 2023 - Financial Report.pdf
July 2023 - Financial Report
August 2023 - Financial Report
September 2023 - Financial Report
October 2023 - Financial Report
November 2023 - Financial Report
December 2023 - Financial Report
January 2024 - Financial Report
February 2024 - Financial Report
March 2024 - Financial Report
April 2024 - Financial Report
May 2024 - Financial Report